©Article By David Gobeil About six years ago there was a very strange, almost eerie occurrence at Five Blues Lake, a well-known tourist attraction near St. Margaret's Village at Mile 32 on the Hummingbird Highway in Southern Belize. The mystery began on July 20, 2006, when local fishermen reported a noise that sounded like "the lake was crying". The fishermen reported seeing "a huge whirlpool" in the lake, and watched in amazement as the water level began dropping. The water level continued … [Read more...]
UNM Researcher on Climate Change and Fall of The Mayan Civilization featured in Science Magazine
Article Preview By David Gobeil The Mayan civilization grew to be one of the most culturally and scientifically advanced peoples of their time period. Then, inexplicably over a fairly short period of time the Mayan civilization, in all greatness and advancements, totally disintegrated. There have been numerous theories on how the Mayan civilization seemed collapse so quickly, including disease, invasions from other peoples and famine due to extended droughts. Well, it appears the thesis … [Read more...]
Oil Production Down by 50 per cent, Belize Producers Say “Don’t Worry”
Article Preview By David Gobeil I've noticed over the past several months a conspicuous absence of the seemingly never-ending parade of giant tanker-trucks traversing the Hummingbird Highway and Southern Highway in both directions. Now, don't get me wrong.... in some ways I'm very happy to see less of the 20,000 pound behemoths constantly rumbling down our roads, mainly because the hundreds of pot holes that have appeared on parts of the Hummingbird and Southern are a direct result of … [Read more...]
L.A. Times Article About Belizean Restaurants in Los Angesles!
Article Preview By David Gobeil These days I'm not at all surprised to see Belize receiving more than it's fair share of international media coverage after spending many years relatively unknown, or better described as the "last undiscovered" paradise. Recent articles in National Geographic and the New York Times and many others have showcased many of the things that are truly unique and beautiful about this tiny, unspoiled Central American country which also borders the Caribbean Sea. But … [Read more...]
When is the Best Time to Visit Belize? Anytime!
Article Preview By David Gobeil People always ask me if it's better for them to visit Belize during a particular season, or whether they should avoid Belize during other seasons. I always tell them there is no easy answer to that question since Belize has something to offer visitors at all times of the year. Of course the weather varies from summer to winter, with the winter months being the "dry season" and the summer months encompass the "rainy season". Also, there are various festivals … [Read more...]
Moon Travel Guides Writer Explains The Best Reasons to Move to Belize!
Article Preview By David Gobeil Some more favorable coverage about Belize, this time from an established Guide Book writer at Moon Travel Guides. Journalist Victoria Day Wilson recently penned a book "Living Abroad in Belize" and now offers her top reasons she chose Belize as her ex-pat country of choice after living and visiting several different parts of the world. She lists English as the official language and laws that are based on the British and American systems as two of her top … [Read more...]
BTB Jumps on Social Media Band Wagon – Has Successful Live Twitter Chat!
Article Preview By David Gobeil The Belize Tourism Board has taken a very successful page out of United States President Obama's hugely effective campaign use of social media with their first "Twitter Live Chat". Many election pundits applaud the Obama campaign's wide usage of social media as one of the key facets of his current lead in the polls. Well, if the BTB's recent "Twitter Live Chat" is any indication, then social media is definitely something all savvy businesses should be … [Read more...]
Belize Real Estate- House and lot for sale in Dangriga!! No.1378
Price:$75,000USD!! ($150,000BZD!!) SOLD SOLD SOLD Belize Property Agents is pleased to offer for sale this nice two storey board house of Belize Real Estate in Dangriga Town. This property is located on 11 Commerce Street exactly on the main road. This house consist of 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen and living room to the upper part of the house. the lower part is open with no partition and the bath room is outside. The yard is fenced all around. There is access to power and water to … [Read more...]
The Owners of the Lodge at Chaa Creek Were True Belize Pioneers!
Article Preview By David Gobeil Mick and Lucy Flemming are well known as the first foreigners to start a successful "jungle lodge" in remote rainforests of Belize. While backpacking through Central America in the late 1970's they arrived in Belize and basically never left. They managed to acquire a large parcel of pristine rainforest near the Western border of Belize only a few miles from Guatemala, complete WITHOUT road access, and slowing develop it over the years into the world famous … [Read more...]
I’m Not Surprised Belize Named 4th Happiest Place on Earth!
Article Preview By David Gobeil I remember about four years ago here in Dangriga Town, where I've lived for almost seven years, I met a Professor from the University of Arkansas who was here in Belize supervising the annual school trip to Belize so his students could gain some "practical study", while also conducting a study for his upcoming classes. The study was relatively simple -- administer a short questionnaire to a sampling of the local population, specifically about "personal … [Read more...]