Photos of GIANT Jabiru Stork and other Belize Birds


People purchse Belize real estate to be near wildife such as this Jabiru Stork

The massive Jabiru Stork at Haney’s Farm in Southern Belize

Photos By David Gobeil

A couple of years ago we got a call from Herman Haney over at Haney’s Shrimp Farm on All Pines Road just off of the Southern Highway.  He said there were a pair of big Jabirus hanging around and feasting on his shrimp, and asked if we’d like to come over and take a look at these relatively rare birds.  I grabbed my camera and a long zoom (Tamron 200-400mm, barely acceptable for this, but at least I got a few passable shots…..) and drove out to Haney’s Farm.  I had previously seen one of these giant birds a couple of years prior in the Belize Zoo, and they are a sight to behold!  They stand FIVE GEET tall and have a wing span of over NINE FEET !!!  I”m not a birder so I don’t know what the other birds are called…..